Missouri Midas Shop Refurbishes Minivan for Single Mother

Oct. 15, 2024
Shop owner Darren McMahan utilized Project Spark: an initiative by Midas to provide transportation to those in need.

A Midas shop in Sunset Hills, Missouri, recently donated its resources to provide a local single mother with reliable transportation, reports Fox 2 Now.

The mother of three children, two of whom have special needs, Penny Finnie has had to rely on transportation services and extended family to get her children to necessary appointments such as doctor visits.

“Medical transportation–you have to do it three days ahead,” told Finnie. “Sometimes that’s iffy. People’s schedules get busy, emergencies come up, and I’m stuck not making it to my kid’s appointments or my appointments.”

When her name was passed along to the Midas off Watson Road, shop owner Darren McMahan utilized Project Spark: an initiative by Midas to provide transportation to those in need.

With parts donated by NAPA, Midas techs refurbished a Toyota minivan for Finnie and her family, which she was awarded with this past Friday afternoon.

“Anytime you can reach out and help anybody in your community it just makes the community stronger,” said McMahan. “We just think it’s our part. It’s what we’re supposed to do. If we can do it, we should, and everyone should.”

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NOLN Staff Reporters

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