Be Fluent in the 'Language of the Service Center'

March 21, 2025
Our words have an impact on our guests. Choose them wisely to help create a positive experience.

The language we use matters. In the service industry, the words we use have a profound impact on the guests we serve. The choice of words that your team uses when communicating with a guest is an important part of that guest’s service experience. Statements like, “Welcome, my name is Scott” and, “How may I serve you?” indicate a very different posture compared to “Hello” and “What do you need?” Carefully crafting the language of your service center can be a simple way to level up the hospitality and service experience for your guests. And it doesn’t cost you anything. All you need to do is train your team on certain words and phrases that they should and shouldn’t use. At Oilstop, we call this the “language of the service center.”

We use words to communicate directly our guidance, needs, and instructions. But the words we use also indicate intention and attitude to your guests. We use the word “guest” instead of “customer.” It’s a simple shift and only takes a few weeks of practice to remember, but its impact is significant. A “guest" is a visitor who is invited to a place or event. A “customer” is a person who buys goods or services from a business. By always using the word guest (and never using the word customer), we help our team shift their mindset and attitude towards our guests. Our team views our guests as people we have invited into our service center so we can serve them.

Many of the most respected brands are intentional about their language. Disney always refers to their team members as “cast members.” Instead of saying a "ride is broken," they will say "the attraction is temporarily unavailable." At Starbucks, team members are “partners." At Delta, they use the words “schedule change” instead of “flight delay.” Instead of the standard "you're welcome," Chick-fil-A employees are trained to say, "my pleasure," making interactions feel warmer and more hospitable. They emphasize that food is "freshly made" rather than just "fast food."

Not every word in your service process needs to be selected or intentional. In fact, overscripting can backfire and feel fake or forced. Instead, focus on 5 to 10 select phrases or words you want to use in your service center. The language of Oilstop service centers includes a list of words and phrases that we use and a list of things we don’t say. This language is part of training when we onboard new team members.  

Our team members who have been with our company for a long time have found that their vocabulary has changed. For example, in each of my columns for NOLN, I feel guilty and wrong using the word customer, even when referring to a generic and broad phrase. Even typing “customer” in this article feels wrong! The shift in language will become a part of your culture and something your team and guests come to expect and trust.

If nothing else, just take one step after reading this. Create a “no swearing” policy. While positive words and phrases can level up your service experience, nothing can destroy your service center environment as quickly as profanity. Whether you are ok with profanity in your personal life or not, when your team talks crudely or swears around guests, they instantly lower the value of your service to your guests. And if your team feels comfortable swearing at your service center when guests aren’t there, they will slip up in front of a guest. The quality of your service experience will erode and guests will trust your business less. Even talking negatively about another guest or team member in front of a guest can have the same destructive impact. Managing and training the language of your service center is just as much about what to say as it is what not to say.

Setting the language of your service center is a simple but powerful way to improve your guest service. Train your team on your language and hold the standard. Your guests will notice, and it will build loyalty. And happy guests will tell their friends about your service and come back! 

About the Author

Scott Hempy

Scott Hempy leads the team at Oilstop Drive-Thru Oil Change and Happy's Drive-Thru Car Wash. Oilstop and Happy's are rapidly growing their footprint of oil change and express car wash locations across the West Coast, combining convenience with an outstanding emphasis on guest experience. Prior to Oilstop & Happy's, Scott was the founder and CEO at Filld, a SaaS-based software solution for last-mile oil and gas delivery companies. He was recognized as a member of the Forbes 30 Under 30 class of 2016 for starting Filld.