Quality Lube's 15th Annual Toy Drive Provides Brighter Holiday for Orion Children and Discounted Oil Change Services
Quality Lube Oil Change and Auto Center is brightening the holidays for local children in need this season with their 15th annual toy drive.
In addition to helping an area child, individuals who donate will receive $7.00 OFF drive-thru oil change service.
New, unwrapped toys are being collected now through December 19. Toys can easily be dropped off without leaving your vehicle. Simply drive-in and drop-off, seven days a week.
Toys will be distributed to children living in the Orion Lakes Mobile Home Park in Orion Township - in conjunction with House of Hope.
Quality Lube Oil Change & Auto Service is located across from the Oakland University campus at 3450 E. Walton Blvd., Auburn Hills. It is the oldest drive-thru oil change in Michigan, celebrating 36 years.