Aug. 16, 2022—The latest version is now in effect for the American National Standard safety requirements for lift installation and service across North America.
According to a press release, the 37-page standard is available to print from ALI for member manufacturers and ALI Certified Lift Inspectors. This standard was approved by the American National Standards Institute. ANSI/ALI ALIS 2022 replaces ANSI/ALI ALIS 2009 (R2015) and became effective on Aug. 4, 2022.
The new standard includes new and expanded sections. It is around 50 percent longer than the previous version and outlines the duties and responsibilities of service technicians and lift installers. These topics include qualifications, reporting, training, and documentation. There is a new section about post-installation inspection as well as new definitions and more. This standard applies to vehicle service lifts.
“Staying safe in the service bay starts with buying an ALI-certified lift, but it doesn’t end there,” said R.W. “Bob” O’Gorman, ALI president via the press release. “It’s crucial that the lift be installed properly by a qualified installer, inspected at least annually by a qualified lift inspector, and serviced as needed by a qualified service technician. The ANSI/ALI ALIS 2022 standard offers guidance on all of these ‘after the sale’ aspects of lift ownership.”
The Automotive Lift Institute is the ANSI Accredited Standards Developer and sponsor of ANSI/ALI ALIS.